The Ozark National Scenic Riverways in Van Buren, Missouri is home to the The Jacks Fork and Current Rivers- it is the first national park area to protect a river system.

When the rivers crested almost 10 feet above historic highs in late April, park facilities and surrounding communities suffered extensive damage.

The National Park Service Midwest Region Incident Management Team was called in to to help park staff manage recovery operations.

The Incident Management Team is comprised of National Park Service staff from across the Midwest (including Cuyahoga Valley National Park) who each bring specialized training and expertise in incident management in order to focus resources and employees on the park’s priorities and work in the safest and most efficient way possible.

At the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, up to 150 people have been working daily to clean up debris, repair damage to facilities, and prioritize areas that can be re-opened.

The cleanup efforts are progressing well, but there is still much to be done. The efforts are a great example of how the Midwest National Parks collaborate to protect the public and our public lands.

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