New Start time: 1 PM. Due to weather, tours prior to 1 PM have been cancelled. All Kayak tours have been cancelled. Other on the water activities will continue, based on river conditions.
River Rally, sponsored by Cargill, is a free community festival offering kayak tours, bike tours, boat rides, walking tours, live music, a beer garden and more along the Cuyahoga River at Hart Crane Park.
The festival village will feature kids’ crafts and activities for the whole family.
Pre-registration required for kayak and biking tours. All other tours available on a first-come, first-served basis.
River Rally Activities
All activities are available for day-of registration on a first-come, first-served basis, unless otherwise noted.
On the Water Tours
- Kayak Cleanup with Trash Fish - Pre-Registration Required- 10 AM - Cancelled
NPS Ranger-led Cuyahoga River Kayak Tours -
Pre-Registration Required
- River Tours on the Holiday Boat - 1 PM, 2:30 PM, 4 PM
- Dragon Boat Rides with Cleveland Dragon Boat Association - Once an hour, 1:30 to 4:30 PM
On the Shore Tours & Yoga
- Riverside Yoga with OneTree Love - 10 AM - Cancelled
- Cuyahoga River Revival Walking Tours with the Cuyahoga River Area of Concern Advisory Committee - 11:30 AM - Cancelled
- Urban Birding Walking Tours with the Greater Cleveland Aquarium - 1 PM & & 3:30 PM
- Cleveland Bridge War Walk with Cleveland Metroparks - 2:30 PM - Pre-Registration Required
- Where the River Burned Bike Tours with Ohio City Bike Co-Op -Pre-Registration Required- 3 PM
View Visual Schedule
Music Line-Up
Festival Village
Join us at Hart Crane Park from 1 pm-5pm for a variety of family friendly activities from our partners, including:
- Upcycle Parts Shop & Volunteers- Make vinyl flowers with Upcycle Parts Shop using repurposed event banners!
- Cuyahoga County Department of Sustainability – Participate in a DIY T-Shirt Bag Workshop to empower you to BYOBags when shopping.
- Poetry free Cleveland – Write an improv poem from 1-3 pm.
- National Park Service - Join Cuyahoga Valley National Park rangers to understand how watersheds work using a watershed model and learn what you can do to make a positive difference. Observe the river using your senses and discover which animals live in the Cuyahoga River.
- Conservancy for the Cuyahoga Valley National Park - From 11 am-2 pm, learn about misunderstood animals that call Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) home! The Conservancy for CVNP will be onsite to share fun factoids about bats, opossum, coyotes, and bees, including how to protect them and their habitats.
- Greater Cleveland Aquarium – Learn about birds on the Cuyahoga River or join one of the Urban Birding Walking Tours at 1pm and 3:30 pm!
- Cleveland Metroparks - Cleveland Metroparks Aquatic Biologist Mike Durkalec and his staff will have an assortment of live fish from the watershed on display in aquariums and there will even be a fish touch pool available so the family can meet a fish! They will also be happy to answer any questions attendees have about local water quality monitoring, aquatic research and fishing."
- TrashFish
- Cleveland Dragon Boat Association
- Cleveland Water
- Cleveland Water Pollution Control - Educational trailer offers a fun and interactive experience for all ages. Designed and fabricated in-house, it showcases WPC’s operational responsibilities and provides practical tips for protecting homeowners’ sewer pipes and the main sewer system.
Cuyahoga River Rally is part of Cleveland History Days, a week-long celebration of our city’s rich legacy.
Saturday, June 29, 2024
1:00pm - 5:00pm